1. Referring to Course, it is considered a certain amount of classes that are conducted by a teacher/-s in a certain period individually or in a group.
2. Courses are executed at all levels of teaching from A0 – C1 by a program provided by the School.
3. “Lesson hour” refers to 45 minutes of instruction.
4. The enrollment for the course is made by filling in the application form (online or at the office) and transferring the fee of the course. Submitting the registration form, paying the fee, and receiving a confirmation results in the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, which are constituent of the agreement, which is concluded with every student during enrollment.
5. To define the language level of the student it is essential to complete a test and go through an interview with a teacher (this does not apply to those who begin the study of the Polish language for the first time, Students who continue their studies at Smart Vision School, Students who have achieved a certificate from a previous level at the School or possess an international certificate).
6. A course can be opened when a minimum of 5 persons apply for it. The School may decide to begin a course when less than 4 people apply for it.
7. In case a previously planned group cannot be launched because of an insufficient number of participants, the School shall postpone commencing the course, or offer it in the form of a course in a mini-group – classes on a reduced schedule, by §1 P.8, or reimburse the Student with the fees paid before the Course.
8. If the planned group has less than 5 students, or after the start of the course, the number of participants in the group will be reduced (to less than 5 people), the School will suggest either another group on the same level, or offer classes in the form of a course in a mini-group – classes on a reduced schedule:
intensive course: 4 people – 42 lecture hours, 3 persons – 32 lecture hours
semester course: 4 people – 42 lecture hours, 3 persons – 32 lecture hours
weekend course: 4 people – 42 lecture hours, 3 persons – 32 lecture hours
standard course: 4 people – 22 lecture hours, 3 persons – 16 lecture hours.
10. The School reserves the right to enroll new students in the group, but no more than a maximum of 12 persons.
11. The course ends with a test that verifies the progress of each student. A positive result (51 % and higher) qualifies the student to the next level.
12. At the end of each module, the Student will receive the Course Completion Certificate upon request. The students who did not complete the course will not obtain the Course Completion Certificate. In a similar case, at the student’s request, the School can sign a certificate of attendance.
13. In case of any suggestions or remarks please contact your teacher, the office, or the management.
14. In case of need, the School reserves the right to change teachers during the course due to important organizational issues.
15. The organizer is not incurring liability for any losses of property that occurred during the classes nor for accidents and injuries not related to the classes.
16. Underage students are required to provide written consent from a parent or legal guardian to participate in the course and/or in the cultural program.
17. The School reserves the right to use the photos made during the classes for marketing purposes.
1. The Student is obliged to pay the fee for the course in full or in installments, according to the offer of the school.
2. Course fees include:
a) Polish language lessons
b) Additional materials (except for a textbook and a workbook) used in class
c) Placement test
d) Certificate of attendance
3. The price of the course will not be changed during the course.
4. The course fee includes the amount of expenses for PLN 150 incurred by the school for the preparation and organization of the course, called the administrative fee.
5. For the students who join the groups during the semester, the fees are calculated individually.
6. The final reservation of a spot in a group takes place after the payment has been made.
7. Payments can be made at the school’s Secretariat or directly to the bank account:
Account owner: Smart Vision School Sp. z o. o.,
Bank name: Bank Millennium S.A.
Bank address: ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A, 02-593 Warszawa
The account number (PLN): 14 1160 2202 0000 0003 4102 2288
IBAN (PLN): PL 14 1160 2202 0000 0003 4102 2288
IBAN (EUR): PL 26 1160 2202 0000 0003 4990 7563
IBAN (USD): PL 63 1160 2202 0000 0003 4990 7770
TITLE: Course [your name and surname]
8. All bank fees are to be met by course participants.
9. In case a Student does not pay the next installment in due time or the latest week after the due time, he/she loses the right to attend the classes until settlement of the bill by the Agreement. A Student who does not pay the second installment and stops attending the classes is still under the Agreement and is committed to its rules.
10. In case of delay in payment of the course fee (or installment) by a Student for more than 14 days, the school will a Final Demand Letter, setting an additional 7-day deadline for this purpose. In case of ineffectiveness of the above additional deadline, the school may remove a student from the list of course participants.
11. In case of delay in payment of more than 30 calendar days the School may withdraw from the Agreement with the Student. The school has the right to demand the calculated amount of the fee plus interest.
1. The School does not reimburse any payments for absences.
2. If the classes had been canceled because of the problems of the School (teacher’s illness, technical issues, etc.), the School organizes a substitution, or the classes are postponed to another date that is suitable for all the participants.
3. The student who attends individual lessons can cancel or change the dates of the classes. The change in the schedule should be done during a working day, at least with a 24-hour notice before the already planned class, with adequate information sent by e-mail or passed by phone. The change of the date of the class must be confirmed by the School Office or the teacher. If the class is not canceled according to the rules, the student will be charged for it. If the student is late for classes, their lessons will not be prolonged. The teacher is obliged to wait for the student for 15 minutes (in case of a 45-minute class) unless the student informs the teacher about being late and asks to postpone their lessons. That does not mean, however, that the class will be prolonged.
4. In case of low attendance (less than 50%), as well as more than six unjustified absences in a row, the Student will be expelled from the course.
1. The Student has the right to terminate the agreement by submitting a written resignation from the course with a 30-day notice period.
2. The agreement will terminate on the expiry of the last day of the notice period.
3. The resignation letter must be submitted in writing to the school administration or sent a scanned copy by e-mail to the address of the school contact@svschool.pl. The temporary absence of the course participant is not accepted by the school as termination and does not exempt the Student from the payment.
4. In case of termination of the Agreement by the Student, the Student is obliged to settle the fees for the part of the course used and for the classes that fall for the term of notice.
5. In case of termination of the Agreement, article 746 of the civil code shall apply. In particular, in case of termination of the Agreement by the Student, the school will reimburse the fee paid for the Course for unused classes that are scheduled to take place after the notice termination period, less the expenses incurred by the school for the preparation and organization of the course ( 150 PLN), and if the termination occurred without valid reasons, the school will also be able to demand from the Student compensation for the damage that the school has suffered due to the termination of the Agreement without valid reasons.
6. Refunds are made by bank transfer to the bank account number indicated in the resignation letter.
7. All the refunds will be processed within 14-30 working days from the date the refund has been requested provided the student has submitted the following information required to process a bank transfer: Name of the account holder, Address of the account holder, IBAN, BIC, Bank name and branch address.
8. In case of termination of the Agreement at any time before the course commencement by the Student, received a Letter of Acceptance issued by Smart Vision School Sp. z o.o. on the basis of which, the Student can apply for a visa or a residence card, the Student needs to provide the School with a written resignation letter.
The Student is obliged to present a document confirming the Consulate’s negative decision to issue a visa (a copy of the original document given by the Embassy explaining why your visa has been rejected) or the original Letter of acceptance to this course.
Original documents must be delivered to the school address: 00-641, Warsaw, ul. Mokotowska 4/6 off. 305.
In case of the termination of the Agreement by the Student, the school will reimburse the fee for unused classes that are scheduled to take place after the 30-day notice period, less the expenses incurred by the school for the preparation and organization of the course (150 PLN), postage costs (e.g. DHL), bank charges, and if the termination occurred without valid reasons, the school will also be able to demand from the Student compensation for the damage that the school has suffered due to the termination of the Agreement without valid reasons.
1. During the current pandemic situation regarding infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus Students agree to a break in classes for the quarantine time should the whole group undergo quarantine. Classes that have been postponed will be rescheduled such as to accommodate students’ calendars and availability.
2. During the current pandemic situation regarding infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus all Students agree to a change of the way the course is being performed from classroom training to remote (online) training if the epidemic risk before the start or during the course arises higher and/or if the government introduces new restrictions or guidelines making a classroom training impossible or difficult. Students will be informed of any changes to the way the course is being performed or of any breaks via email or phone.
3. The course taking place remotely (online) forms a proper execution of the Agreement and therefore is no legal basis for asking for a refund or rebate of the course fee by the Student.
1. Where the contract is concluded at a distance or outside the School premises, the Student may, within 14 days, withdraw from it without giving any reason and without incurring any costs, except those referred to in paragraph 4 below.
2. The term of withdrawal from the agreement starts from the date of the conclusion of the agreement. To keep the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before it expires. The listener may withdraw from the contract by making an unequivocal statement of withdrawal, for example, a letter sent to the address school: 00-641, Warsaw, ul. Mokotowska 4/6 off. 305 or e-mail contact@svschool.pl.the declaration can be submitted on the form, the model of which is annex No. 2 to the law of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights.
3. The Student has the right to make a clear statement containing a request to start performing the services before the expiration of the term for withdrawal from the contract.
4. If the listener exercises the right of withdrawal after submitting a request to start the provision of services before the withdrawal period, he is obliged to pay for the services performed until the moment of withdrawal.
1. Data Administrator: Smart Vision School Sp z o. o. z headquarters in Warsaw ( 00-641, Warsaw, ul. Mokotowska 4/6 off. 305).
Purpose of data processing: organization and implementation of a language course or marketing objectives.
2. Detailed information on the processing of personal data of course participants is provided in the “Privacy Policy” located at